Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Congrats to Megan Tayler!!!

On behalf of answering the collage question, I award you, MEGAN TAYLER (follower of runningincircles24) a random magazine subscription!!! Way to go!

Random Crap

Who ever can guess this Collage will be featured in my next blog post!

Comment below

PS. This collage is located in MO

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Random Crap

Why do people make SUCH a big deal of how to pronounce "Sacagawea"'s name? Who cares?!
The fact that I pronouce it Sack-ah-gah-wee-ah just makes those who pronounce it Sack-a-ga-way-ah, want to scream. Jeppers!

PS. Obviusly in the 1800s they didnt have colored cameras, as good as the picture above. This the Night in the Musem Sacagawea.

PSS. She pronounced it Sack-ah-gah-wee-ah.

Random Crap

No one ever collects bottle caps anymore, its quite sad to think of how excited people would be, to think that they had more bottle caps than someone else.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Random Crap

I know this is self-explainitory but this (above) is the LONGEST word in the English language.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Random Crap

Why do all the fathers die in those 1994 disney movies?

Do you know how many times I cried when I was little while watching the Lion King? Come'on Disney! I mean that Tarzan movie, when the jaguar attacks his parents, and Tarzan's adopted gorilla mum walks in, seeing all the blood? Should that be rated G?


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Random Crap

Such Big Dreams. For such a little snail.